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Publisher |
Image |
Cover Artist |
Jeremy Haun |
Inker |
William Haun |
Cover Artist |
William Haun |
Artist |
Jeremy Haun |
Published | May 2003 |
Paradigm is a continuing soap opera charting the ups and downs of an ensemble cast as they attempt to continue living a "normal" life in an ever-shifting reality complete with talking cats, sultan strippers, Beastials, sad men, Welcomers, mean women, Militants, the Presidents of the Apocalypse, and new and improved answers for those nagging questions. With all that, who has time for periods? This issue: Detective Andrew Dreiser returns (!) and this time he has the right questions. There is a society that infiltrated the city of Bogsdale years ago. It continues to thrive to this day, owing its allegiance to powers unknown. Through the help of an old high school friend, Andrew Dreiser discovers just how dire Bogsdale's reality has become. The question is, will he do anything about it? Poison gas containers in super-center basements, high school flames, disappearing evidence, doll fetishes, agoraphobic comic book creators, and Dick...naked! Face it, gang, this issue has it all (and it can be read all on its lonesome)!